Sunday, February 21, 2010

Math is ruling the world

I'm not sure if I'm being sarcastic right now, but this article was truly interesting to me. It explained the close relationships between mathematics, numbers and our daily life containing internet.

Cover story starts with the giant title saying that math will rock the world which is totally true. It starts the article with the system that organize, and structures any written information published by its context, concept, and theme. By doing so, it says that it needs numbers and math to accomplish it. In one sense this sounds totally new to someone, but in other side, this is just a basic common sense that already has been known to the public.

Since the beginning of the construction of computer, math always has always been in people's life style. Like it stated in the article, math is essential to everyday life. Everything is organized with math equations, and everything is programed with algorithms online, and companies have been dealing with their costumers and products based on mathematical models.

Issue of privacy has to come right after that. In the several articles in the cover story it stated about how individual's privacy is becoming public by the development of technology based on math. People's lives have been monitored and gathered as a data for the bigger companies. This is one of the greatest fear that people might have. For the company they have to do this research in order to gain biggest possible profit that could be happen.

Mathematician will be the largest group of people who are ruling the world. It is true that most of the job will provide math skills. Highest rates of mathematics elites will gain the most profit. Math will rock the world; it has been and it will.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hyunhwa,

    Your post clearly presented some of the key ideas from this article. I'm particularly interested in your last paragraph. You write that "Mathematician will be the largest group of people who are ruling the world. It is true that most of the job will provide math skills. Highest rates of mathematics elites will gain the most profit". What do you think are the implications of this for learning math in school? Is it fair that not all students are currently provided the opportunities to take challenging math classes in high school? If the mathematical elite will be powerful and influential in "ruling the world", how do we decide who gets to be mathematical elite?

    Interesting and thought provoking post. Thanks for you thoughts!

